Friday, April 15, 2011

The Chemical Bomb a.k.a. the chemo toxin

So I've been avoiding this blog but it should be done. I need to talk about my chemotherapy regimen for educational purposes. So the sarcoma specialist says to me, "we have a game plan for you and I know which drugs I would like to give you."

The original combination was:
(This was before the surgery but after radiation)

Nov. 8th: My first treatment after radiation and back surgery, but due to the fact that I had a surgery between radiation and the start of chemo treatments, I was not allowed to have the Avastin drug. Advastin suppresses the body's ability to clot. So I had to wait 8-9 weeks before receiving that drug. Also, the drug Crisplatinum kills the kidneys so they wanted me to sit for 3 days to take the drug with 2 liters of fluids before. The Adriamycin is a red color, which makes your urine orange for a couple of hours. After each treatment you are given an immune boasting shot about 24-48 hours after.

Nov. 29th: My second treatment, due to the fact that the Crisplatinum made my ears ring I was changed to it's "sister" drug Carboplatinum, so that I wouldn't lose my hearing. The treatment days were changed too. I only had to visit the hospital once a week.

Jan 11th: My four treatment, it was the first day for the Avastin drug. Little did I know that EVERYTHING would change after this new drug. The Avastin is given on the 1st day and the 8th day, which meant that I had to go back to the hospital the next week.

Feb 22nd: My last treatment!! This made the most impact on my body. Chemo drug build in your body and little did I know that this treatment would take me from a little tired to unable to move or eat. I had to take 2 weeks off of classes because I was unable to put on clothes or sit up long enough.

On a personal side:
For the latter part of 2010, I was unable to travel very far from my doctors. I was unable to go home for Thanksgiving. However I had the chance to visit my aunt and my ex's family (Good times). Christmas, I was unable to go home due to a weak immune system and bad weather. I spent the holiday with my local mom (my sunshine mom, Theretha) and her family (Rough times but I made it through it). Hardest week with my condition and the people in my life, the week of Feb. 28th, really hurt my physically and emotionally. I never knew how back things would be with the people in my life. For a week, I was told some really horrible things about "myself" and how I was "behaving." I really didn't know how to handle it, so I cried for awhile and then tried to explain it to my friends and I didn't get the response back that I expected (live and learn a new lesson).


  1. I can only imagine the physical pain you were in nor could I imagine the emotional pain more than anything I could not have imagined being mean to you especially with a terminal cancer. I could not cure you but I was determined along with my family to make your life a little bit more comfortable. We loved you yesterday, we love you today and we will love you tomorrow.

  2. Denise,
    I hope the response I gave you helped. Don't let anyone's behavior, comments, actions etc...bring you down. You don't need that negativity. You need the positive in your life, especially now. For anyone who is not bringing the positive in your life....TELL THEM TO KISS YOUR A**. Or let me know...I'll tell them that and a lot more...

    Much Love,

  3. I posted a comment last week after I read all of your writings but I guess I didn't sign in. Anyway I commented on the great job you are doing. I really admire your strength, endurance, bravery, etc... Remember, you are not alone....

    Much Love,

  4. My heart broke that we couldn't be there for u!

  5. @ Mom I know that you would've used your last dollar to change this situation but I believe God made this situation happen the way He wanted. I love Him more for doing this. :-)
