Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cancer Camp Day 2 and Day 3 (Sat 4/30/11 -Sun 5/1/11)

Saturday morning was full of joy and inspiration!! After a really large breakfast, we had a learning session about chemo brain. A registered Breast Cancer Oncology Nurse gave a seminar on the effects of chemo on the patients brain. Each one of us have had some sort of mental delay due to the toxins of chemo. The nurse used the time to describe the many different ways to get over the chemo brain and exercise our minds more.

The next session of the day was a Palliative care nurse that thought us about the different ways to handle the different steps in our lives as survivors. We learned about the different ways to write a living will and for each of us to let everyone in our lives know how we want to live our lives. It was hard for me to sit and listen to this, but I know that Patrick and Dr d know what I need if things get bad.

Next was lunch and then Arts and Crafts. We had Hamburgers for lunch and chips. For the Arts & Crafts session of the day, I decided to go on a walk. I met a wonderful woman named Kathy who talked to me about how amazing being a Christian Cancer survivor could be. She listen to me about all of the "wonderful" things that I have gone through and she also made sure to tell me how to deal with people's attitudes. She was extremely amazing strong woman who has gone through a battle with colon cancer.

After our walk, Kathy and I joined a group of people playing Yuker. So, I decided to learn how to play. For those who don't know, its sort of like spades but I guess a lot of Indiana people play it. I had a chance to talk to more survivors as I played a hand of Yuker. Soon after, it was time to learn how to belly dance. I learned to do a lot of the moves but my goodness my back had a chance to get a good stretch.

After the belly dance class, it was time to go to the support group session. I really didn't know what to expect but I wanted to see what they were like. I had hope that it wasn't like the support groups on TV, like "Hi. My name is Denise and I am a cancer survivor." As the group responds all together "Hi! Denise!" But BOY was I wrong, I had a chance to see the different reasons on why someone goes to a support group. These things are a great place to find different resources and to see how other people are coping with different pains and effects from cancer. In group, I had a chance to speak, in which I had a REALLY HARD TIME speaking. I told the group that I wanted to have the chance to get married and have children but when I heard the woman speak at the camp fire, I can honestly say that I am afraid that I won't have that chance. As the group came to a close and people were still trying to comfort me, I found myself in a room with my chemo mom and my camp mom, Rachel. Rachel was AMAZING she is the typical hippie woman from the TV shows. She is easy going, loving, open, smart, and caring. She made sure to make me feel at ease during the conversation of what is next for me.

As dinner started, Rachel made sure that Liz, My chemo Mom and I all sat at the same table. We had fried chicken, green beans, and my FAV mashed potatoes!! While we were at dinner, we had a live band play for us. It was a really nice time. Although I would have rather been at a movie with a really good friend, I had a chance to meet some REALLY nice and cool people. We were asked to try on the wig of one of the other campers sister. (see photo blog) Me and my chemo mom were good sports about it but we both are extremely happy with the way that God and chemo has made us. ;-)

After dinner, it was time to play bingo for little door prizes. It was a great time with Rachel, my Chemo Mom, and Liz. It was a lot of fun, although I didn't know it took skill to win bingo. Apparently, my Chemo mom doesn't get that skill LOL. I won some stuff but I traded with the girls at the table. As we talked, I had the chance to get to know Rachel A LOT better. She has introduced me to some "alternative" pain management practices. HAHA!! Thanks so much Rachel

Sunday: FINALLY the last day of camp, we had an awards ceremony for best campers. I knew that My chemo mom would get the award but I had NO IDEA that I would get an award too. I was in complete shock when they called my name. As we drove back to Lafayette, Liz told us that it is an extremely big deal to be nominated for the award and I was completely honored to have made an impact on so many people. As everyone walked out we took pictures and said our good byes. I had the chance to take a picture with my moms (See photo blog). Its a little blurry but she had the shakes. Oh well what can you do? I had a great time at camp and I learned a lot. I have a lot of networking that I need to do but I feel a lot better about being a cancer survivor now. :-)



  1. Thanks for sharing your camp experience with us. It seems like you were kept very busy. I'm not surprised that you got an award. You so deserve it. Keep the faith and stay positive... Remember, "MY GOD IS ABLE."


    Much Love,

  2. I bet your award was for "miss congeniality"!:)
