Saturday, July 9, 2011

Who you are...

After having a REALLY REALLY BAD few days!! I heard this song by Jessie J called "Who You Are," which changed my attitude. There are a couple of lines in the song where she says:
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing
Its okay not to be okay
Sometimes its hard to follow your heart
Tears don't mean you're losing
Everyone's bruising
Just be true to who you are
As I listened to each word in that song, I realized it's okay to be a little down sometimes and that I have a pretty rough life. But even as rough as it is, its still not that bad. It could be a lot worse. I could be masking my pain in order to be "strong" or "normal" and never learn from the things that hurt me. I'm stronger than I realize, even on my worse day... I'm much more stronger than most. And with those odds I'm pretty damn lucky to be who I am. I really don't give a crap what anyone else may think about my tears or my question in who I am because I'm changing with every step, with every new day, and with every no I receive. My tears make me stronger than you will never know. I don't really care what anyone says about me and my "insecurities" I'm better than I was yesterday because I'm able to say "I'm wrong" or "I'm sorry" or"You're right! I'll work on it".... I can't say that about most. :-)
So I'm gonna continue to cry and curse and yell when I don't understand!! I'm stronger when I wipe my eyes to see another day!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad your spirits have lifted....

    When I feel down sometimes (and all of us do) I think of this saying...

    "I felt sorry for myself when I had no shoes...Until I saw the man who had no feet..."

    Much Love,
