Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A nice week with my family

So my brother came into town and we hard a great time. We shopped in Indianapolis when he landed then we had fun here in Lafayette. He had a chance to meet a lot of people and he also got a chance to see what his life would be like here in Lafayette. I really hope he liked it. If not I hope it at least got him to think about going to Grad School soon. He doesn't know this but I'm more than willing to help him with his application fees. I plan to start tutoring statistics students this fall to help. We also had the chance to go to Chicago to visit Michigan Ave and the taste of Chicago. It was great to be in a the city. We ate like 3 different types of pizza, I hope my bro liked it. We made our way to the south suburbs to visit my dad and his family. My dad's face lit up with great joy to see all his children together at once. My sister was joyful just as much as my dad. It was fantastic to see how everyone got along for the day. It got even better when my sister asked my big little bro if he would come to her party tomorrow. My youngest bro looks in anxious happiness, my bro says yes. As we got up the following morning, the house filled with childish laughter and screams for the upcoming events. My brother and I went to the odyssey fun world to meet up with the family. It was amazing to see my youngest bro run around with my younger bro as they ran around playing basketball. As we left the Bradford household to visit my Aunt Jai, my youngest bro puts this big smile on his face and his arms open to give my younger bro a hug. It was a great visit. We all had a great time, if I can say so myself.

It was a great weekend for me, my bro and I stopped by to visit my uncle's grave site. As we walked past Odis and paid our respects, we walked to my uncle's grave. It was a nice moment of unspoken understanding between the three of us. I knew uncle David was there and I know we were all wishing we could be eating with the entire family at Momma Ressa's house. Where he and James were up at the crack of dawn to start cooking meat all day. I miss the usual July 4th weekend. I miss him so much but I feel him with me everyday. I know he will be with my in the audience in December when I get my masters degree. :-)

Best July 4th weekend for me in about 2 years! I'm a pretty lucky girl eventhough I'm broke from all the festivities, I'm grateful for those moments. Only thing that would've made it better was to see Sunshine mom, Theretha and her family, the Dubois clan, and last but not least the 3 Miami Bradfords.

1 comment:

  1. Denise,
    you and your brother should have stopped by. I didn't know you were in town. I had the usual bar-be-que party. Had a lot of fun but it was bitter sweet.

    I got up that morning and the first thought I had was remembering David walking through the door telling me, "Hey, I'm here. I'm ready to bar-be-que so let's get the party started!"

    I also remembered Odis being here laughing, smiling and having so much fun. I shed a tear for both of them.

    Glad you and your brother had fun! Thanks for paying respects to Odis and David...

    Much love,
