Friday, April 15, 2011

"No one fights alone"... My little piece of heaven on earth

There is a really common saying in the cancer community: "No one fights alone"! This absolutely true for my heaven sent "angels" here on earth. Like I've said once before and I'll say it until I die, my cancer diagnosis was NOT a curse it was truly a blessing of all blessings currently in my life. I'm more than grateful for the people that have helped me through this difficult time.

I truly had no idea that the people in my life cared SO MUCH about me but I soon learned. There are many days where I wished everyone had the chance to have cancer, so they could see the many blessings that are here in their lives.

Many days went by and people came and went (and in some cases came and went AGAIN) but I'm glad those stayed around. I have gained 4 mothers and alot of really close lifelong friends. I really appreciate those who hung in there when things got rough and scary for us all. I appreciate the shoulders that were given to me to cry on. I appreciate the amount of hours and visits to hospitals with me. I appreciate the many many mashed potatoes made for me (LOL)! Most of all I appreciate the time made to get my insurance in place.

So for those people in my life I leave this equation:

1 chemo mom + 5 mother figures + 3 hospitalized visits + 6 rounds of chemo treatments + 25 doctors appointments + $3,000 worth of gas + 1 round trip ticket home - the stupid behaviors - collateral damage = 1 happy, over zealous, grateful cancer survivor with a really strong army behind her!!

I LOVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU and thank you isn't a big enough word so I hope this helps.

Plus it's time for a party!! Who's bring the cupcakes and slurpees?! I've got the party hats :-P


  1. I have the cupcakes you already know my skills lol. Love you. Benita

  2. I'll bring the slurpees lol although idk how they'll taste with Benita's cupcakes

  3. whos the 5th mom? and only u would put this ina mathematical equation.... u such a statistician!!!!

  4. Patrick come to think of it you are right, her method does show how that glorious mind is working. :-)

  5. Maybe 1 cupcake and 1/2 of a slurpee. I'll bring the salad, wheat germ, fruit and water. We will start eating more healthy!!! And by the way...TELL CANCER TO GO TO HELL!!!! GOD IS ON OUR SIDE!!!

    Much Love,

  6. Just so everyone knows... As i wrote the equation I teared up and I couldn't speak. It brought together all my feelings and my favorite people along with my passion. :-P

    Still love that you guys love me for ALL my math nerdyness.
