Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter weekend...

Happy Easter to all my wonderful followers!!

I would like to say that this has been a holiday weekend to remember. On Friday afternoon before heading up north to Chicago to visit my second home. I had a wonderful coffee date with 2 great people whom I can now call great friends. It was a great time of conversation and great laughs. As I departed from Lafayette to take my drive home, I realized I have gain some independence back. I went a whole hour and 15 minutes driving alone in the car. I know something so small but it has truly made me understand how grateful I am for the little things in my life. I met my friend in halfway where we went to red robin for dinner and we talked about the past few weeks. It was a really nice dinner and great conversation, which lead to me making my true feelings and emotions known to how appreciative I am to him. Which he solved the solution with a slurpee!! Great way to change the subject and the mood. We then went to his house, where I got the chance to talk to his mother about everything. We talked for hours about things that have happened in my life recently.

As for Saturday, we went to have sushi for lunch but I'm still having a hard time with consumption of food. I don't know if it is the after parts of chemo or it is my body back in it's mode of not consuming calories that I'm not exerting but I'm not eating very much. I found out that my stomach does not like chocolate anymore either. My friend and I played video games!! Yea I know I'm not the best but playing sonic was funny for me.

Either way, I'm glad that I could be in great company. I'm so grateful for my extend families that I have. They have really embraced me and made me feel like a member of each of their families. I'm so extremely grateful.

Now I have to figure out which house I would like to have dinner at this evening. Thats not a bad thing at all. :-) Thank you all for this weekend!! I love you :-)


  1. Hello D. Renee,

    It's nice to see you are continuing on your path of success no matter what blocks your path. It cause others, such as myself, that are around you to have a deeper appreciation of life itself. I look forward to reading more blog entries about your journey. I will keep in touch.

    Your Mentee,

    M. Rhea Lusk

  2. What a problem to have, where to eat. I am happy you can see true colors. xoxox...

  3. I am so glad u enjoyed ur weekend. It was really nice having you over. You can come and have breakfast, lunch, dinner, midnight snack, etc...anytime.

    Much Love,
