Saturday, April 16, 2011

A weekend to remember....

Good Very Late Evening to all my followers!!

I am really sorry for the late blog post but I actually left the house for more than just a few hours!! This hasn't happened since maybe early December. I haven't felt sick, or too exhausted to walk, or even much pain in my back. Ooooo I'm SO excited!! :-D. One more step closer to normality.

So on Friday night I went to the movies with a group of friends. Granted I didn't really want to see Scream 4 but I wanted to feel like a 25 year old again, so I went. The movie wasn't that great but the group of people that went were AWESOME. We laughed though the entire movie.

Today, I went out to lunch with my sunshine mom, Mr. Sunshine (Lee) and my "Mexican" buddy. We had a great time at Spageddies. We talked about life and laughed about little life experiences. After lunch, my friend with the lovely dimples called to see if I want to have dinner. (My schedule is filling up... LOL jk) We went to Bluefin Bistro with dimples and her sorority sister. I had my first beer in 2011, it was a Strong bow (which I highly recommend). It was nice to be in good company with nice people. Guess what everyone..... I HAD SUSHI too!! I didn't eat the whole roll but I did eat most of it. I'm really feeling a lot better. Thank God!!

Watch out Dr. N and Dr. R, but I'm going all out on this "chemo holiday."


  1. I can feel the joy and happiness coming from your words. xoxox...

  2. Keep having fun. Keep doing what u r doing. Guess what, I went for sushi last week too! When you visit again I'll treat u...

    Much Love,

  3. I am sooooooo glad you hadan awesome day!!!!! Keep having fun and did you see Rio yet???
