Saturday, May 14, 2011

Conversations with my brother...

As I sit here with my brother, I reflect on some of the things about emotions and feelings. I'm more than aware that I have a completely different view on things when it comes to life but I'm more than sure that this true:
Does the person care enough to ask you how you are doing? Do they take the time of their day to "check" in on you? Do they make sure to find a way to make you smile and happy when your sad or need a quick pick me up? Can you think of the person in a positive light no matter how much they have hurt you? Can you still say you love them with all the mistakes they've made? Is it more important to see that person happy than anything else in the world? Would you force your feelings of upset aside to make that person happy? Will you go out your way to make that person feel important in your life at least once in awhile?

If you can say yes to any of these questions then there is more than enough care in that relationship than you should expect from the other person. Nothing is given to us each day and the small bit of that day that a person is willing to pick up the phone to say "hello" or "how are you doing today?" or even to think of you as they look through bible verses every morning. Feel blessed that that person cares for you. I know that it may seem to sensitive to many of my readers, but I'm sure of one thing, until you have the chance to see first hand so many people step up and care about you at once you may never understand.

I know I can't say who this may inspire or touch in any special way. I can say that I'm extremely lucky to have so many people that care about me. And each person granted the amount of time or the amount of effort you have put into me, thank you and I hope to respond just the same way back to you. I'm lucky to have a chance to smile with each of you at any given special occasion. I know you all care even though you may not pick up the phone everyday to say that, just the occasional bible verse or the text to say nothing at all is more than enough for me.

I hope that something's can transcend to you during a time where everything may be overwhelming. Look at the bright side at least you don't have cancer. :-P

A smart, strong, caring individual left me with this song and I would like to leave you with the song "Where would I Be" by Gemstones to say that things can be a lot worse. And if you can't see it then look to me for that inspiration. I'm ok with being that moment of reality check for you. :-)


  1. Hi Sweetie!
    remember what Stephanie w/ Palliative care said?-
    there are two kinds of people-radiators and drains- you need to be around radiators, so WHEN you NEED to be a drain, you can be.
    self-love is imperative at all times, but especially in crisis. You need to take, now, and with a lot of hard work, faith, some can give later. You do NOT owe me anything, and I don't expect anything except honesty- even if your answer is "I don't know" that's okay.
    Love, Rcahel

  2. Very well put. You really get deep sometimes. It always make me think....
