Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Coping with returning to "normality"

As I transition into a moment in my life where I get to see what my life will be like post cancer patient, I have a slight amount of anxiety. My chemo mom warn me that we would be going through this sort of post traumatic stress feeling but I didn't want to believe her. As I look at the google calendar that was used in the past to alert those in my life about treatments and future doctor appointments, I feel empty. There's little to nothing that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. I feel as if everything will go back to normal until I get too excited. For example this past weekend, I went to the Sweet Auburn feast in Atlanta, we enjoyed the day with drinks, people, and music. I became light-headed very quickly and then I realized once again that I was sick still. However, the only thing that helps me remember my recent past is my back pain and my finger nails at that time none of that mattered. Only thing that mattered at the time was the event. I soon realized what and who I really am. I'm more than excited to be normal like I was before but a small part of me knows that I will have to adjust to a new normal. It sort of sucks but I know that all things happen for a reason. I can only be grateful for the next second of each minute in each hour that God gives me. So I say thank You for the next second and the chance to learn something new.


  1. You are wise beyond your years.... All of us should say "Thank You God" for the next second, the next minute, the next hour, the next day...for all of the blessings bestowed upon us....
    Much Love,

  2. Uncle David would be SOOOOOOO proud of your spiritual growth! I know I am!:)

  3. New normals are not always bad.
