Monday, May 30, 2011

When doors seem closed...

It seems as if we tend to over look the doors that are open when we are busy trying to figure out why the door we want to be open is closed shut. I say that in deep reflection from being an individual that has seen a lot of doors close in my face lately. I have also been truly blessed enough to see a lot of doors open for me. I don't understand why I don't have the key to those closed lock doors but I'm glad that I have been granted access to a great many new doors. I can say that I have been a little sad because the holidays like these I tend to get really upset and sad because I miss my uncle's BBQ, laugh and company. But God has blessed me with an amazing way of being in great people's company. Those who see me for my amazing personality and company. I'm grateful for the doors that have closed in my life. It's like being able to see the hallway of success in front of me. I'm so happy to all the amazing people in my life. :-)

Thank you for having me in your lives and opening those doors for me!


  1. Not EVERY door needs to be open. Maybe the doors that closed were those doors that led to unhappiness or self doubt. Keep the doors of hope and happiness open, while giving 'closure' to the bad ones.


  2. You are bringing such love and light and wisdom to everyone who has the pleasure of your company. What a blessing you've made out of your journey! If you're interested, I say we write a play about it. It could be a one-amzaing-young-woman show. Based on your blog. Whaddaya say?

  3. Aunt Kim, that sounds like a great idea. I want to play someone other than myself. Maybe a bad friend. ;-)
