Friday, June 10, 2011

My June Scans: Day 2

So today was my second day of scans, I had to get a PET scan and a CT scan. The PET scan takes FOREVER!! You have to sit in this dark from for an hour while an IV pumps fluids through you. Then you have to get a full body scan, which takes long for me due to the fact that I am long. LOL but shortly there after, I have to go to the CT scan where you drink 2 16 oz cups of "contrast", which I think is just water HAHA. Then you have to sit for an hour in order for the "contrast" to work in your body. After that you get placed on a bed with a big scanner for about 15 minutes. So for those who have never had any of these scans, here you go!!

Materials to start my IV
IV started (Never gets easier)
This is what a PET scanner looks like

My cups of "contrast"

Me on the CT scan table

On the CT scan table again from the cool angle

1 comment:

  1. i could go for some "contrast" haha. You look extra long in that machine!
