Thursday, June 9, 2011

How amazing it is

I think it's truly a blessing when God gives me a chance to see how truly blessed I am. For almost 2 years now, I have been going down to the local homeless shelter to feed people less fortunate then myself. Now many that know me, know that I really have a soft heart for helping students/ young adults with learning and understanding the joys of STEM majors. However, feeding the homeless has really helped me see a different side of life. Even after everything that has happened with me, at least I have a great group of people around me that care. I had the opportunity to talk to a young man that is extremely intelligent and had a lot to offer. The only thing he didn't have was a roof over his head. As I looked at him and listened to his story, it dawned upon me. LIFE IS MUCH HARDER THAN CANCER!! I don't have children, I've been on an airplane, I've been to Disney world, I've ran a half-marathon, I have a HUGE group of family and friends that love me with all their hearts. I have NOTHING to feel misfortunate about. I wish I could help more people in this world because just a meal twice a month isn't enough! Giving $10/ month to the American cross isn't enough, starting a scholarship fund for young cancer survivors at Purdue isn't enough! Giving someone in undergraduate school a moment to see the beauty in numbers and equations isn't enough! I've got to find away to give more. And I hope you all try as well.

Love thy neighbor

1 comment:

  1. You have such a big loving and giving. You have surpassed being the beautiful flower. You are the gorgeous flower!
